Many volunteers, including the LDS missionaries of the Kingsbridge (Bronx) Zone, were recognized for their service to the Freeman Home on Friday, August 28, 2015. The service project by the missionaries was initiated by Elder Duane and Sister Dianne Powell, former missionaries in the New York New York North Mission and former members of the Kingsbridge Zone, who lived near the Freedman Home.
The front facade of the Freedman Home. It was once a luxurious mansion. Now it serves as a community center, food bank distribution center for the needy, a pre-school, a senior citizens center, a bed-and-breakfast "hotel," and a cultural center. |
Sign hanging in the banquet hall. |
L. to r.: Sister Zimmerman, Elder Salceda, Elder Eggleston, Elder Nielson, Elder Matheson, and Elder Nutall. |
L. to r.: Elder Schmidt, Elder Brower, Elder Moss (Zone Leader), Elder Holtom, Sister Lunt, Sister Johnson, Elder Murphy (Zone Leader), and Elder Hinckley (District Leader). |
Sisters Brown, Hutchison, Cookson, and Ek. |
Elder and Sister Zimmerman |
Delores Moon, Head Start Central Services and Mistress of Ceremony for the event. |
Dennis Terry, Board Chair, Mid-Bronx Senior Citizens Council. |
Nancy Reyes, Director, Senior Services. |
Robert Johnson, Director, Family Preservation Center. The missionaries worked directly under his supervision at the Freedman Home. |
Some of the many volunteers and staff that attended the function. |
Latoya Joyner, Assemblywoman, District 17, Mid-Bronx. |
Elder Peter Murphy, Zone Leader, Kingsbridge Zone, speaking on behalf of the 20 missionary volunteers who were present at the luncheon. |
Pablo Almonte, singer. He sang two songs, both of which were Christian-related. |
Rosita Haynes, sang one song, also Christian related. Most of the speakers invoked the name of God or Jesus Christ in their comments. |
Elder Peyton Moss and Elder Peter Murphy, Zone Leaders, receiving framed plaques from Robert Johnson. Dozens of people received certificates, but these were among the few framed plaques given out. The audience gave the missionaries a big round of applause. |
Vanessa Gibson, Council Member, District 16, Mid-Bronx. |
Dennis Terry, Delores Moon, and Vanessa Gibson, three of the main directors at the Freedman Center. |
Congratulations to all the missionaries, past and present, who have served at the community center, doing yard work, organizing the food pantry, painting, and doing other odd jobs.
Glad to know about this luncheon. I am in search of amazing NYC venues for arranging my sister’s bridal luncheon. Came to know about some grand venues and looking forward to book the right venue for this event. Hope to have a lovely party.